Drone software

Simple Mind develops custom drone software for agriculture, construction, cinematography, indoor/outdoor inspections, search-and-rescue, and many other industry sectors.

Mission Critical Drone Software Development
Develop drone software for mission-critical operations, enabling the inspection of assets in metropolitan and remote areas using advanced LIDAR sensor configurations and high-resolution 3D photogrammetry.

Drone Mapping Software Development
Our cross-platform drone mapping software allows users to gain aerial views, consolidate hundreds of acres of land into consumable maps, share maps, visualize temperature ranges, and gain valuable insights in real-time.

Drone Photogrammetry Solutions
Leverage third-party GIS solutions to engineering geospatial mapping interfaces for photogrammetry software, transforming thermal, infrared, and RGB imagery into 3D terrain models & orthomosaic maps.

Drone Delivery Software Solutions
Engineer drone delivery solutions programmed with action triggers, and precise landing & delivery deploy tags that enable drones to precisely hover over a specific area or commence landing for package deliveries.

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